A majority of patients that suffer from plantar fasciitis can have a dramatic improvement with the use of plantar fascial night splints. This type of device is used to stretch the plantar fascia and achilles tendon as you sleep to give you more flexibility and help to resolve acute heel pain. Plantar fascial night splints are easy to use and the time frame of use is typically 4-6 weeks. Plantar fascial night splints have settings of 5 and 10 degrees. We usually start our patients at 5 degree stretch and move it to 10 degrees after one week. This device is especially helpful if you suffer from heel pain first step out of bed in the morning.
A majority of insurances cover plantar fascial night splints and we are able to dispense this product at both our West Ashley and Mt. Pleasant locations.
The Lowcountry's Heel Pain Specialists, Dr. Andrew Saffer & Dr. Adam Brown are putting your feet first. Our doctors have a 95% cure rate for acute and plantar fasciitis with aggressive conservative treatment. If surgery is required it is minimally invasive with a quick recovery time. Our heel pain specialists utilize state of the art minimally invasive options such as Shockwave (EPAT) and Topaz. Refer to our frequent blogs on various treatment options for acute and chronic heel pain.