Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Plantar fascial tear NBA basketball player follow up

Paul Gasol NBA basketball player for the LA Lakers suffered a torn plantar fascia earlier this month. The typical treatment for a torn plantar fascia in professional athletes and recreational athletes is typically a period of immobilization with crutches and a walking boot for 4-6 weeks then aggressive physical therapy.
Paul Gasol for the past four weeks has been non-weight bearing with crutches and will now continue to have daily physical therapy.

The majority of literature doesn't not support surgically repairing the plantar fascia.
We will keep you updated on his progress over the next month.,0,4409235.story

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Plantar fasciitis in NBA basketball player

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot conditions that we see in our practice. The plantar fascia is an important structural ligament of the foot. The plantar fascia's origin is the heel bone and inserts into the base of the toes.
Paul Gasol who is a professional basketball player for the LA Lakers has been suffering from plantar fasciitis for the past several months. Typical treatment for a high level professional athlete involves aggressive Physical therapy, foot tapings, NSAIDS, custom orthotics, cortisone injections, ice, and for chronic cases immobilization with a cam walker boot.
Paul Gasol suffered a greater injury to his plantar fascia at his most recent game and will now undergo a MRI to rule out a plantar fascial tear.
Plantar fascial tears are typically treated with a period of immobilization non-weightbearing in a cam walker boot or cast for 6-8 weeks.