Tuesday, April 29, 2014

May is Melanoma Awareness Month!

Have you ever suffered a severe sunburn? How about on your feet? Since May 1st kicks off Melanoma Awareness month we thought it only fitting to discuss the affects of Sunburn, on your feet of course.

Many of us spend days outside in the warmer months, lathering sunscreen on our faces, shoulders, chests and other sensitive and exposed areas, but what about your feet? We have seen many instances where patients forget to cover their feet with sunscreen and end up severely burned.

Though it may not seem so, your feet are covered in delicate skin. When exposed to intense UV rays your feet can go from fine to fried in a matter of minuets. Opposed to only embarrassing redness, severe burns on your feet can easily cause blisters and swelling (not to mention long-term damage and risk of skin cancer).

If burned take an anti inflammatory regularly, use an aloe vera product containing at least 90% aloe (or use your own aloe plant), and elevate your burnt foot or feet.

Prevent future incidents by wearing shoes, opposed to sandals, when exposed to prolonged sun, and always include your feet in your sunscreen application (hands too!).

*When choosing sunscreen look for broad spectrum products with a SPF of 15 or higher, and remember to reapply!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fighting the Fungus

Fungal infections can be tricky and sometimes hard to notice. Fungus can affect the toenail for years before causing any trouble or showing any signs. If you’ve noticed changes in the formation or color of your nail, whether quickly or over time, you may be suffering from a toenail fungus.

Although some over the counter treatments and routine cleaning can suppress or temporarily treat the issue, seeking help early is the best method to prevent spreading or a more severe infection.

The best tip for avoiding fungal issues it to keep your feet clean and DRY! This is especially important during our hot Charleston Summers.

Leaving feet wet and/or dirty may not only cause toenail fungus but other fungal conditions such as athletes foot.

For more information on Fungal Conditions visit our Website

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are you Suffering from Bunions, or are they Corns?

One of the most common questions we get asked is 'What is the difference between a corn and a bunion?'. We stumbled across this article from Florida Podiatrist, David Todoroff of Keystone Podiatric Medical Associates, and think he explains the answer well. 

Q: Can you briefly explain the difference between a corn and a bunion?
A: A “corn” is a growth of skin which forms typically on a bony prominence as a response to abnormal pressure or friction. They are often located on the tops of the toes at the knuckles or sometimes between the toes. They can also form on the bottom or the sides of the foot wherever there is an excess amount of pressure, such as a bone protruding outward against the ground or against an ill-fitting shoe. The term “corn” is often used interchangeably with callus. Essentially, they are both caused by the same thing, but visually a corn is often smaller, rounder and deeper, and a callus is usually broader, covering a larger area.
A “bunion” is the name for the enlarged bony bump located behind the big toe at the joint where it attaches to the foot. This often protrudes out the side, but occasionally it protrudes upward.
For more information on the two issues read the entire article Here or Visit our Page for your options. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tips For Your Toes

Medical Professionals, and athletes alike, are constantly stressing the importance of fitness and stretching, but what we don't hear enough of is how important it is to stretch and exercise our toes. Toes take a lot of abuse from the hours we spend on our feet each day.

Simple movements like pointing the toes, curling the toes and even walking barefoot in the sand can help relieve foot pain and strengthen your toes. Visit our website for a complete list of ways to keep your toes in tip-top shape for years to come.